Blog Must Do week 10

I really enjoyed creating my presentation for the blog of the week. One of the things I learnt was how to use the AI based App in Canva to create my own images. It is amazing to have something so original.
Check it out.
I enjoyed coming up with funny titles too. What do you think of my titles?

Dog on the Escape.

Can you help me know a way to share my pdf in a way that it is embedded in the post?

My new goal

In my 44 years there is one thing that I have learnt. WE ARE ALWAYS LEARNING.
So I wanted to share with the class my new goal in life. Once we have a goal we can then set about to achieve that goal.
My goal is to be the best mum ever!
A few students in the last few weeks have asked me if I have any children. Well luckily I have been blessed with 5 step children. But just recently there has been something new that has happened for me.
A wee miracle. And so I wanted my class to be the first students to know that there is going to be a new little Bee soon.
So with my goals of being “the best mum”. I reading up books about babies. Books about pregnancy and I am learning everything that I can.
What is one of your personal learning goals at the moment?

Ka mutu pea Room 3

Ka Mutu pea means “awesome”. Room 3 your bitmoji posters this week are awesome. I have enjoyed reading them this weekend and am proud of your mahi. I am especially proud of the fact that most of us met the success criteria.

And I am looking forward to all the new learning we are going to do this term in our digital skills and in our writing skills.

May I challenge you to increase your blog posts to three a week.


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