In my 44 years there is one thing that I have learnt. WE ARE ALWAYS LEARNING.
So I wanted to share with the class my new goal in life. Once we have a goal we can then set about to achieve that goal.
My goal is to be the best mum ever!
A few students in the last few weeks have asked me if I have any children. Well luckily I have been blessed with 5 step children. But just recently there has been something new that has happened for me.
A wee miracle. And so I wanted my class to be the first students to know that there is going to be a new little Bee soon.
So with my goals of being “the best mum”. I reading up books about babies. Books about pregnancy and I am learning everything that I can.
What is one of your personal learning goals at the moment?

24 thoughts on “My new goal

  1. Kia Ora Miss Bee I like how you share your goals I hope you achieve it
    and try your best I hope your best with being the best mum with
    your kid

    1. Thanks I will be hoping to achieve my goals too. It could be a lifetime goal. I think I will learn lots of new things.

    1. Well it depends if you are older or younger than me. Plenty of people think I am young. And I think one is as old as they feel. At the end of the day I feel older than at the beginning.

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